Is woman required to grow her hair as long as possible
Music and singing in the Quran and Sunnah
Can large numbers be quoted as evidence of truth?
Ruling on customs and traditions
Adhan and iqamah for newborn
Celebrating Mawlid al-Nabi (Muhammad’s Birthday)
Whoever neglects to pray until the time for that prayer is over, with no excuse
Birthday celebrations
Can a Muslim be a sincere friend to a kaafir
Ruling on gathering to eat, offer condolences
Different types of miracles in the Qur’aan, including the “numerical miracles”
786 Bismillah?
The use of amulets and ta’weez [also spelled ta’wiz, taveez, beads, strings, horse shoes, blue eyes,
Myths among the common folk about superstitions
Plucking Eyebrows
Moving and swaying whilst remembering Allah (performing dhikr) is an innovation (bid‘ah)
Putting the Qur’aan on the prayer mat
Cases where it is not permissible to pray on carpets
Offering prayer on a prayer mat